Curriculum Resources 2025
Our goal at Luther Jackson Middle School is to provide a challenging academic program that will also match the interests and talents of all students. We encourage students to select middle school courses that reflect their academic abilities, strengths, and interests in order to create a balanced academic schedule. Students can also select elective courses that offer an opportunity for enrichment and exploration. During the month of February students will meet individually with their school counselor to select courses for the 2025-2026 school year. In the course of this academic advising season students, teachers, counselors, and parents will work collaboratively to design each student’s individualized academic program that will promote student success, achievement and preparedness for the next grade level.
To learn more about course options for seventh and eighth grade at Jackson Middle School, please access the Middle School Course Catalog and the presentation links below.
For an overview, please take some time to view the We Are LJ! presentation. See what makes LJMS a special place as your student transitions to middle school.
Curriculum Presentations
For more information about particular academic programs at LJMS, please use the links below. You can use your browser's "Back" button to return to this page.
Special Education
Program Overview
Advanced Academic Program