LJ After Hours
LJMS After-School Programs
- After-School Specialist
After-school programs are available Monday-Friday (late buses are available M-Th) starting on September 9, 2024 with cross country practice, academic help, and fall play auditions available the first week. The full slate of activities will start on Monday, September 19th.
Students are required to sign up ahead of time, AND register their attendance once they are here after school. The signup form is posted in Schoology every Friday afternoon, for the following week of activities.
Students have two activity periods each day after school, and late buses are available after B session (4:45pm). Parents may choose to come and pick their students up at any time, however. The program ends at 4:40pm, and pickup time is 4:45pm. Any students not yet picked up at that time will be asked to get on their late bus. On Fridays, parent pickup is at 4:00pm, and no late buses are available.
2025 Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night Presentation
All students who stay after school for any reason MUST be registered with the After-School Program. Parents can fill out the After School Registration form below. Hard copies can be made available upon request.
Quick Facts
LJ After Hours is a program for all current LJMS Students.
- There's no cost to attend! A parent/guardian must complete a Registration Form.
- Super Snacks are available every day during LJ After Hours for free.
- Students don't have to come daily. They only participate when they are interested in an activity or need to see a teacher for Teacher Academic Support.
- Activities are available Monday - Friday, but Late Buses are only available Monday - Thursday.
- Students can create LJ After Hours activities for the school year! Contact Mr. Hoffert if you have an activity idea.
Behavioral Expectations
Staying after school is a privilege! We want everyone that chooses to stay to be safe and to enjoy themselves. For this to happen, all students must adhere to the following expectations as a condition of their participation.
Academic Support
Every teacher at LJMS offers one hour per week of academic support to students enrolled in their classes. Students should make an appointment with the teacher they need to meet with, so they know the student plans to attend, then sign up for "Staying with a Teacher" on the After-School Weekly Signup Form.
Clubs and Activities
Clubs and Activities are offered as an extension of the classroom, and give students at LJMS the opportunity to extend and enrich the learning that takes place during the school day, as well as explore an interest or recreational activity with their friends. We encourage all students to either find a club that interests them, or start a new one using this form: Starting a New Club
Check the chart below for a complete list of clubs and activities available throughout the week. The lineup may change each quarter, based on teacher and facility availability.

After-School on Fridays?
Yes! That's a thing!
We are excited to offer the following activities on FRIDAYS this winter/spring,
All activities will meet from 2:35-3:35pm, and we will offer study hall and/or open gym for students until the parent pickup deadline (4:00pm).
No late buses are available on Fridays.
Group Guitar Class
January 17-March 21 (10 weeks)
Whether you're a regular John Mayer, or you can't remember if a guitar has 4 or 6 strings, this is your chance to start learning or sharpen the face-melting skills you already have. Fridays, after school, starting January 17. We'll provide the guitar (there's a $20 rental fee... talk to Mr. Hoffert if that's an issue).
--->Coming End of February <---
Magnus Chess Academy
February 21 -May 16 (10 weeks, skipping March 28, April 11&18 for Spring Break)
Magnus Chess Academy has been teaching chess in Fairfax County since 2008. Over that time period we've taught more than 30,000 students in after school clubs, before school clubs, and camps. They include kids who've won seventeen state championships and four national championships, but most of our students are beginners looking to learn a fun new game. That's how all the champions start out too!
Future-Preneurs- A Young Entrepreneurs Workshop
February 21 -May 16 (10 weeks, skipping March 28, April 11&18 for Spring Break)
Step into the shoes of a business owner and experience the excitement of running your own company! From brainstorming product ideas to crafting marketing strategies, you'll learn what it takes to turn your vision into a thriving business.
Each activity has room for a max of 20 students, so sign up today!
Students must register separately for these two Friday activities, using the form below.
Why Stay After School?
- Increased classroom participation, homework completion and academic performance
- Improved student behavior
- Better student/adult relationships, peer relations, and emotional adjustment
- Improved school attendance
- More positive attitudes towards school
- Reduced high risk behavior
- Increased participation in healthy recreational activities
- Increased school, family, and community partnerships
- Chronic Absenteeism and Participation in After-School: In the 21-22 school year across the school division, 96% of those middle school students who were chronically absent (missing 18, or more, days of school) attended less than 30 days of after-school.
Contact Us
The After-School Program Office is located in room 404, right across from the cafeteria.
Email: @email
Phone: 703-204-8218
X (formerly Twitter): @LJ_AfterHours
The Middle School After-School Program at this site is jointly sponsored by Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services and Fairfax County Public Schools and is exempt from licensure as per §22.1-289.030 of the Code of Virginia with no direct oversight by the Virginia Department of Education.
Fairfax County Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to all clubs and activities.
Opportunities offered by organizations other than Fairfax County Public Schools are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific school. These opportunities may utilize technology tools that have not been assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parent or guardian before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity and families should review the Terms of Service, User Agreements, and Privacy Policy for any technology platform that the enrichment opportunity may use before participating.