Virginia Remote Student Progress Monitoring Test

Virginia Remote Student Progress Test (VRSPT)

Parent/Guardian Information

What: The VRSPT is a new online assessment in spring 2021. The assessment is intended to provide parents with information about their child’s achievement on grade-level content standards. The test is available for the Reading 6-8, Math 6-8, and Science 8 SOLs. The test is not available for high school-level math courses (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2).

Who: This assessment is only offered to students in grades 3–8 who are receiving all of their instruction in a fully virtual environment and whose parents/guardians have chosen to refuse SOL testing.

When: The VRSPT testing window is May 10-June 4. The test is only available Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. The test is untimed but should be completed in one day.

            *students should NOT miss class to complete the assessment

Where: The test must be administered at home and it is suggested that a FCPS issued device be used. No proctor or secure testing environment is required for this test.

Why: The VRSPT will not be used for state or federal accountability purposes, but rather the results will be available to schools and provided to parents to help parents, teachers, and students better understand areas that are strengths and those where the student could benefit from additional instruction.

Other Information

  • Audio accommodation is available for students with an IEP, 504 Plan or ELSAPP that includes documentation of this accommodation.
  • Testing information including login information will be shared with students and families closer to the test window.
  • If a student does not complete the VRSPT by June 4, they will not receive a score; instead, their SOL test record will be updated in PearsonAccess with the COVID-refusal testing status which results in a “no score.”
  • VRSPT test results will be mailed to families in the summer.
  • Questions are a similar format to SOLs.

For more information about the VRSPT, please visit the websites below:

chart showing number of questions in VRSPT test sections

For any questions, please contact LJ’s assessment coach Megan Walker ([email protected])