Advanced Academics Program

Full-Time (Level IV) Center

AAP at Jackson Middle School

Our Advanced Academics resource teacher is Ms. Shawn English ([email protected]).

  • Parents and teachers interested in referring students for the fall level IV screening must submit a level IV referral form to the school’s Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) by October 15. Fall 2022 screening is only available to students newly enrolled in FCPS after January 1, 2022, who were not screened in spring 2022.
  • If a parent feels that the ability test on file does not reflect the student’s current abilities, they may request a one-time retest. Please check with your school testing coordinator to be sure a student did not already have a retest in elementary school. Requests for retest must be made to the AART, school testing coordinator, or school administrator before the October 3-21 testing window in order to allow the school testing coordinator time to order tests from the Office of Assessment and Reporting. It is important that parents know that tests are not weighted in AAP screening and no test is required to for honors courses.  
  • For information pertaining to the spring 2023 screening process, testing and identification timeline or identification and placement, please contact Ms. Shawn English at [email protected].

Level IV Services

Students found eligible for placement in a full-time Advanced Academic Program (Level IV) through a central selection process receive a highly challenging instructional program in the four core subject areas. The Level IV program is designed to meet the needs of advanced learners with a strong emphasis on higher level thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students have ongoing opportunities for reflection and self-assessment that develop an understanding of the characteristics, demands, and responsibilities of advanced intellectual development. The AAP Level IV program for students in grades 3 through 8 offers identified students a highly challenging instructional program that follows the FCPS Program of Studies. Differentiation in the depth, breadth, and pace of instruction is designed to meet the needs of advanced learners with a strong emphasis on higher level thinking skills. Adaptations are made to the curriculum in order to provide an appropriate level of challenge for gifted learners with a strong emphasis on critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students participate with the entire student body in school-based activities such as student government, physical education, band and strings, chorus, and other electives. The AAP Level IV program environment allows students to explore and express their ideas with other highly able peers. Teachers develop and implement units of study that lead to an understanding of the concepts, themes, and issues that are fundamental to the disciplines and that lead to an appreciation for relationships within and among disciplines. Students pursue independent investigations and ongoing research appropriate to the disciplines. They have ongoing opportunities for reflection and self-assessment that develop an understanding of the characteristics, demands, and responsibilities of advanced intellectual development.