Attendance Procedures

Procedures and policies regarding student attendance

Attendance Policy

24 Hour Attendance Hotline:

Full Day Absences

  • When a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian to call the attendance office to give the reason for the absence by calling 703-204-8282 or using the online absence reporting form. If a phone call is not made on the day of the absence, the parent has the next 2 days to notify the school or have the student bring a note to the attendance office.
  • Absences that are not excused within 2 school days by a parent/ guardian phone call or note will be unexcused. Parent/guardian notes should include the student’s full name, the date of the absence/tardy, the reason for the absence, and the parent/guardian daytime phone number. Calls are made to the home to confirm notes. Students who are absent 3 or more consecutive days because of illness or medical problems should provide a doctor’s note to have these absences excused.
  • If a student accrues 10 full day absences (excused and/or unexcused) throughout the year, the administration may require medical verification for any future absences to be excused. Proof or verification of absences and tardies may be required by an administrator for an unusual pattern of absences or tardies. Parents are reminded that whenever an absence is anticipated for a future date, such as required family trips, sports team travel, etc., it must be pre-arranged with the Assistant Principal or Dean of Students.

Report An Absence

Reasons for Excused Absences

  • Illness of student
  • Death in family
  • Medical or dental appointment
  • Religious holiday observances
  • Suspension
  • School-sponsored field trips
  • Approved pre-arranged Absences
  • Other reasons accepted by the principal or designee

Reasons for Unexcused Absences

  • Family and/or student vacations not pre-arranged
  • Child care situations
  • Non-school-related activities
  • Missing the school bus/traffic or weather issues
  • Other reasons unacceptable to the principal

Excused and Unexcused Tardies

  • Students late to class without an excused pass will be marked as unexcused tardy for that class. Students with excessive excused absences/tardies may be required to present documentation from a doctor.

Procedures for Check-Ins / Check-Outs

  • Students are not to leave the school building for any reason during the day without a parent or guardian check-out pass from the main office. Students feeling ill may go to the clinic prior to determine if leaving school is needed and if so having a parent report to the office to pick up the student.
  • If a student is leaving early, parent/guardian must provide a note for early dismissal. The student should bring the note to the main office in the morning to receive a check-out pass. The note must state the time and the reason for dismissal and must include a daytime phone number where the parent/guardian can be reached. No student is allowed to leave without a parent or guardian checking them out from the main office.
  • Parents/Guardians will receive an automated phone call from the attendance office when their student has an unverified absence from a class. Parents/ guardians should call the main office to clarify the absence.